Piloxing, The Sleek Sexy Powerful Fitness Class

Have you tried Piloxing? It’s a new group exercise class that combines boxing and Pilates. While the founder Viveca Jensen is from Sweden, the class originated in Los Angeles but is expanding across the US. I was invited by Ali Baldassare to come take a class with her at the downtown Equinox last night. Always up […]

PopPhysique Compared to Bar Method

Have you tried a new class or vegan restaurant yet this month? I challenged you two weeks ago to expand your horizons and join the Well Together challenge with Tina from Carrots ‘n’ Cake and I as part of a campaign with Harvard Pilgrim. Originally, I thought I was going to show Tina what my […]

Discounts and Deals

I realized this week that I have been able to get Sarah Fit readers and viewers some pretty cool deals and discounts lately but do not have one place where they can found. Some are new, some are local and others are just awesome, like the lowes promo code I found the other day! Deals […]

Victoria’s Secret Models Eat a Clean Diet!

Earlier this week, Candice Swanepoel caused a bit of a controversy showing off her boney hips in an Instagram picture a few days before the Victoria’s Secret 2012 Fashion Show. In the past, anorexia rumors have been rumored but she has denied claims. Fans instantly defended the 6-year veteran Angel against critics who said she […]

Inspiration from Kona Triathletes

Do you need inspiration? An 82 year-old man swam 2.1 miles, biked 114, and ran a marathon to complete the World Championship Ironman race in Kona. You can run a 5K. You can run a 10K. You can do a triathlon. You just need to believe you can. I shot a ton of video while […]

Green Juice for Breakfast

This morning I started my day with a green juice from The Ripe Stuff. Their green juice flavor is called Mojito, for the inner partier in all of us, and is made with kale, celery, spinach, romaine, cucumber, green apple, lemon and ginger.  It actually does taste kind of like a Mojito. So what am […]