3 Weight Loss Tips You Don’t Know from BexLife

This post is for my readers trying to lose the last 10 lbs and are looking for some unconventional tips. Last weekend when my YouTube friends were in town, I shot a quick video with my pal Rebekah Borucki of BexLife. She lost 10 lbs without even trying over the course of 2 months recently. She is 5’11” and admits she can lose 10-20 lbs and not change a jean size. I am the similar in that I can fluctuate 5 lbs up or down from my “happy healthy weight” and not change either. She shared 3 tips with me that helped her get there and my viewers on YouTube have been pretty vocal about this video. Watch below to hear her tips. Do you think her advice is controversial?

Rebekah isn’t used to an audience that isn’t as easy going as her channel but has been answering many questions in the comments of the video. If you have a question, check the comments first, and then if you do not see an answer, leave it on the video so she can answer. She probably won’t check this blog to see but I will do my best to answer although I may not know the answer if it is in relation to her advice.

Saturday in National Pumpkin Day!

This weekend, celebrate National Pumpkin day with a couple of delicious pumpkin pancakes. Here are four more ways that I love to incorporate pumpkin into my fall meals. It’s a sweet and dessert like treat that makes me forget about apple crisp. I created the post for The Laughing Cow community because cream cheese, especially portion controlled Smooth Sensations in Cinnamon Cream, tastes amazing with anything pumpkin flavored including the pumpkin bread, pumpkin pita chips and pumpkin crisps available at Trader Joe’s.

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And if you were wondering, I only bought the macaroons and they are fabulous. Only 45 calories for one, and although small they are worth it and delicious!

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