Do you ever look like a tourist is your own city?
May is my favorite month. The trees are beautiful and it’s not too hot out for long runs. I decided to bring my camera with me to the movies last week and took a few pictures as I walked through the Boston Public Gardens. Living in a beautiful neighborhood provides guaranteed motivation to go outside and get some fresh air.
People ask me all the time, “How do you stay motivated?” To be honest, it’s easy when you live in a runners neighborhood. I do, however, want to explore the rest of the United States. Boston obviously is not the only place with gorgeous, scenic running routes.
I’m fascinated with many different cities and even though they may not be ideal tourist destinations, I want to go! I’ve decided that I am going to begin training for races in cities I have never been to. It is going to be added motivation, a fitness vacation and a way for me to live out my dreams of visiting as many cities as I can.
Do you sign up for races as a means to see the country? If so, which race in your opinion is a must try? Does your city have a race you think I need to try?