This workout not only is going to burn a ton of calories during and after, but it’s going to tone your entire body using just your bodyweight. My HIIT Barry’s Bootcamp inspired Tread & Shred was created for those of you who do not live near a Barry’s but want to experience the amazingness that it is. If you are able to come to a class, you will find it much more challenging than this but the music, lighting and motivational instructors will help you get out of your comfort zone for an unforgettable workout.
Here is the workout:
Warm up 5 minutes at a comfortable pace, between 5-6 mph.
Treadmill Workout:
- Jog 1 min. 5-6 mph
- Run 1 min 7-9 mph
- Sprint 1 min 9-11 mph
- Repeat 3 x
Bodyweight Strength Circuit
- Lunge Series – 90 seconds on each leg
- Pulse at bottom range of stationary lunge, 30 seconds
- Bring back leg in to chest with front leg still in lunge position, 30 seconds
- Full range stationary lunge, 30 seconds
- Forearm Plank, 1 minute
- High Plank with Cross Body Crunch, knee to opposite elbow, 1 minute
- Dolphin to Forearm Plank, 1 minute
- Donkey Kick Series – 90 seconds on each leg
- Full range, bent leg donkey kick, 30 seconds
- Straight leg booty pulses, 30 seconds
- Bend and extend donkey kick, 30 seconds
- Push ups, 12 reps/Tricep Dips 12 reps for 3 minutes – do as many rounds as you can!
Watch the video here if you have questions about the moves and form!