Making it Official!

For the past 3 or so years, I’ve wanted to share a personal predicament with you guys. I was curious if you were in a similar situation or knew someone that was and could offer advice. Well, I finally have decided to address the topic that has become what feels like the elephant in the room sometimes.

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You see, Roomie and I have been together for over 7.5 years! However, he doesn’t really see the point of marriage in today’s society and hasn’t wanted to get married for pretty much as long as I can remember with the exception of the first 6 months of our relationship. I was 23 – looking for Mr Right Now not Mr Right. Breaking up with someone at 24 for never wanting to get married is cray-cray especially when you’re falling in love. Fast forward 7 years, I’m on his health insurance, we own a car together, we’ve lived together for over 4 years and I’m even in his will. Neither one of us is very religious. I’m not really sure if I need a marriage certificate but I definitely want to have the same last name as my kids, wear a wedding dress and have a bachelorette party. Of course I want to get married, but I’m not going to give him an ultimatum.

May 7th, I get to cross one of these off my bucket list. I’ll be participating in a fashion show in Boston with Fabulous Frocks and Bespoke Boston Weddings rocking a wedding dress down the runway! If you are recently engaged or just want to see my big moment, RSVP to info@bespokebostonweddings.com. I’d love to see as many of you there as possible! You can also share the invite on Facebook with your friends as well!


Fabulous Frocks is a bridal boutique for the savvy shopper carrying once worn discounted designer wedding gowns as well as brand new ones. At first I thought it was practical joke asking a girl whose boyfriend doesn’t believe in marriage to wear a wedding gown but hey, maybe he’ll see how good I look in a white dress and change his mind!

We are also taking another big step in our relationship!

As a compromise to marriage, Roomie and I will legally be changing both our last names to Fit this year as a sign of our commitment to each other. Everyone already calls me Sarah Fit and him Nick Fit so it just made the most sense to us. Many of you think Fit is my actual last name… it’s not, yet at least. We can’t wait for our own little Fit’s to be running around Boston. This decision took a lot of time to reach and I’m confident it’s the right decision for our relationship and my brand.

So I guess that just leaves my bachelorette party… I’ll guess I’ll have to start planning soon before I won’t be able to drink for 9 months!


… and for the 1% of you still reading that didn’t realize what today’s date is… April Fools 🙂 But please come to the fashion show, that shit is real!

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