Curious how I got my start? Sharing my story and best tips for starting your own career in health and fitness, with or without a blog.
This video is 10 minutes long and every second is filled with helpful information that I’ve shared with other bloggers starting out. Since I’ve been doing this since 2006, I’ve mentored many YouTube stars. I guess I should listen to my advice better since many of them are now superstars including Cassey from Blogilates and Katrina from Tone It Up.
Watch the video and then get started creating your own blog today. I started my original blog on Tumblr because it was easy BUT if you want to do it right from the beginning, I suggest buying a domain through a site like BlueHost.
If you have questions, I’m planning to do a follow up video answering them so be sure to leave yours in the comment section of the YouTube video!
I’m going to update this blog post later today but for now, I wanted to make sure you saw the new video since I don’t usually upload on Fridays!