Pre-baby Tommy, I travelled a lot. I said no to opportunities over the past 15 months because I didn’t think it was fair of me to leave him for a long period of time since he was still nursing and wouldn’t take a bottle. I did leave him overnight on a few occasions for work but the most was 3 nights. I’m currently on a cruise in the middle of the Caribbean ocean with Carnival and will be away for 6 whole nights!
I’m having trouble uploading files via wifi so I’m just going to post a quick text update here.
I miss Tommy and I can’t stop thinking about what he is doing.
I’ve slept 10 and 9 hours straight two nights in a row… WHAT!? This hasn’t happened since pre-pregnancy so over 2 years.
I’ve enjoyed going to the gym first thing in the morning feeling well rested, but of course only after pumping.
Treadmills on a cruise ship are super weird! When you go over a wave, you feel airborne almost. I’m impressed that I did not fall off. I ran 3 fast miles on Monday morning and this AM I did a 30 minute HIIT workout:
5 minute elliptical warm up
3 rounds with minimal rest in between sets and exercises:
- 30 Jump Lunges
- 30 Alternating Leg Step Ups (15 lbs dumbbells on bench)
- 15 Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press Squats (15 lb dumbbells)
- 12 Pushups with 4 Mountain Climbers in between
Rest (1 minute) and then 3 rounds of the move below
- 30 X Jump Squats (Kayla move)
- 24 Low Plank to High Push Up
- 30 Reverse Crunches
I was super sweaty and felt great afterwards. Myself and another woman took over the free weight area and I loved it.
I’ve been trying not to drink too much while on the ship as I have a photoshoot coming up. I had a margarita the first day and a glass of wine at dinner. Yesterday, Anne Marie and I shared a bottle and a half of wine and today, all I’ve had is a single beer! Everybody is constantly drinking and eating on the cruise, but it is possible to have fun and still be healthy!
I have had a total of 3 soft serve cones to date and made only one little $3 purchase of candy on board. I can’t say no to chocolate covered bridge mix and Jelly Belly’s!
I haven’t been able to FaceTime with Tommy which means I haven’t seen him since Sunday morning and it’s killing me!!!!!!!!!! I am very glad though that I chose to come on this trip with a girlfriend and not Tommy and family.
Ok, I don’t want to get greedy with my good luck and internet access right now. Follow me on Instagram for updates and fun stories!
This is a work trip and I have partnered with Carnival on this trip but this is not one of my “sponsored” posts. I’m just trying to keep my sites updated with a busy schedule this month.