A few of you had asked why there were no clips of the SFit Gym workouts online yet. That’s because, we are slowly rolling it all out. Here is the first sample workout. We shot this a couple week ago and it’s just a short 5 minute version of the signature SFit workout. To refresh your memory, there are 3 workouts in the club. SFit is a combination of body weight strength and cardio moves. They are typically 14-18 minutes long. This workout below, is one round of what you might find in an SFit workout. In the club, we would repeat this at least 3 times with a short break in the middle of course!
Workout #1 in the club is already live. See what users are already saying about it 🙂
Next full length workout will be released tomorrow!! Sign up today and get started kicking your own butt. As a note too – since most of you will watch these on a computer, we did not add cheesy music to the background. Instead, I recommend playing your own music in the background. If you need some kick ass playlists, check out my Spotify account – username SarahFitMusic. I update mine pretty frequently for teaching purposes.
If you already signed up, let me know how did using workout #1!