I’m shooting a fun video in the New Year with a new YouTube channel to feature what a day in my life is like, and how the Sinful Vegan helped me throughout my fitness journey. My schedule honestly changes everyday depending on my shooting schedule, campaigns and travel opportunities. I thought that if it was remotely interesting enough for a video on a channel owned by a major company, it might be fun to share with my readers.
Sometimes I get invited to take different or new fitness classes. On Wednesday night, I got to take a class with the Surfset Fitness gang again. I took a class about a year ago and since then, the company has been featured on Shark Tank, funded by Mark Cuban, opened their first location at the Chelsea Pier and has been featured in pretty much every women’s fitness every magazine.
Unlike last time, we had a lovely surfing video to watch during the workout. The instructor obviously was on the front board, but the lights were dimmed, the music loud and it felt a little concert like, which I love. The lights came back up when we finished obviously.
The class was challenging and fun. I love to try out different classes when I have the opportunity. Surfset tries to simulate the surf workout but incorporates strength exercises using your body weight as well. Starting in January 2013, classes will start being offered at a bunch of gyms including Crunch.
The board wobbles side to side creating the unstable surface. It’s pretty cool. I usually workout before these types of classes because I never know how much of a workout I am actually going to get. This was a good workout but I was glad I took the 8 am class in addition.
Last week, a friend of mine, who works for a tourist travel magazine in Boston called Panorama, asked if I would be up for a little photoshoot for potentially their cover. They usually use stock photos but they wanted to see if they could convince their editor to use an original. So, on Thursday and Friday morning, I spent about 2 hours taking fun fitness pictures. Thursday we visited the MIT rock climbing wall, which is free for anyone to use. It was my second time ever trying it and was really hard. Not sure I’ll doing it on my own time but it looks cool! My arms were a little sore afterwards but I was fine to take the noon time Bar class.
Today, we shot at Back Bay Yoga, my favorite Yoga studio in Boston. I’m excited to see the pictures even if they don’t end up in Panorama.
The rest of my days this week were dedicated to editing video, writing posts, and negotiating future projects. The negotiation process is probably one of the more time consuming activities that goes on for full time blogger/vlogger/freelance/contractors. You never hear about the time it takes. Between numerous emails back and forth, 3 phone calls at least lasting 30-60 minutes and then only 1 out of maybe 5 opportunities amounts to anything. I’m not complaining, I love my job, but just trying to paint you a realistic picture.
It took me also about 45 minutes to locate a song to use in a video that ended up getting axed. My video from Wednesday did really well featuring “How I lost the last 10 pounds.” I decided to make a video to answer the comments the video received because there were too many to type or too complicated to just give short answers. If you left a question, watch the video below!