Tommy is not the best sleeper. He could totally be worse though! He just gets up early.
I recently decided to start going to bed earlier myself to maximize the amount of sleep I get. However, I wasn’t really feeling more rested even though I was going to bed at 10 pm.
I was contacted to see if I would be interested in reviewing the Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor and Nick and I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to dive deeper into our sleep habits. When it arrived, we placed the sensors under our mattress, set up the app on our phones and we were ready to go! This device turns your bed into a “smart bed” and monitors your respiration, heart rates and sleep patterns.
After just one night of use, I saw that it took Nick 2 hours to fall asleep and I rarely fell into a deep sleep (likely because he is such a terrible sleeper) and overall we both got between 5 and 6 hours of sleep even though we were in bed for 8 hours!
I knew that I would wake up at night but I had no idea how long I was awake and how it was affecting my sleep quality and quantity.
The Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor analyzes sleeping patterns through artificial intelligence and helps you improve your sleep habits through coaching tips offered up through the app. Over time, your sleep quality rating can improve as you make adjustments to your sleep. We shot a video featuring the sleep monitoring device after just using it for a week hence the terrible score…
Luckily since then, I’ve been able to increase my sleep score!
It automatically records your sleep, so you don’t have to worry about hitting start or stop. It can also be connected to the Amazon Echo so it’s easy to ask “Alexa” about how you slept first thing in the morning without picking up your phone.
To see the Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor work in real time, check out my latest YouTube video below. I take you through our morning routine, which includes taking care of Tommy, getting ready to get out of the house and all the cute chaos that goes into being a fit toddler mom.
This blog post is sponsored by Beautyrest Sleeptracker. All thoughts and opinions are my own.