Things that motivate me to lose weight include photoshoots, weddings and money. I haven’t hosted a DietBet since before the 4th of July and I haven’t done one myself in over a year! All that is changing starting October 2nd. I’m hosting my 5th DietBet that will end the Wednesday before Halloween. After ignoring the calories of my summer vacation and seeing it on screen, I’ve realized I need to get back to my happy weight. I have four wedding over the next 6 weeks and combined with the DietBet, I hope to be successful. If you are new to the DietBet concept, watch the video below for details and if you’re not, sign up right now! Starting bet is $25 and you can do more than one at a time, which will just increase your winnings if you know you’re going to win.
Some YouTube viewers asked if I would be creating a workout schedule and sharing my meals for those participating and I plan to do so this time around!
Right now, my life consists of training during the day at Barry’s Bootcamp to become an instructor and trying to pretend I’m not exhausted from working out for 3-4 hours straight. On Monday night, I went to a special event held by the Red Sox Foundation called Fenway Yoga where yogi’s raised money to take a class on the field (or warning track as it turned out).
As the official team charity of the Boston Red Sox, the Red Sox Foundation is committed to using the passion fans have for this team to strengthen programs for at-risk children in our community. Proceeds from FenwaYoga will benefit our Red Sox Scholars (a college scholarship and enrichment program) and RBI Youth Baseball & Softball cornerstone programs which increase participation in baseball and softball, encourage school attendance and achievement, develop self-esteem and life skills, instill values of teamwork, tolerance, and respect for others and teach safe and healthy choices to at-risk youth.
Omgal, Rebecca Pacheco led the park from the pitchers mound (and jumbo tron) through a simple vinyasa class that was about 75 minutes long. It was my second time being down the field, the first was when my brother in law refereed a hockey game on the field between the Boston cops and firefighters two winters ago. To attend this event, you were supposed to raise a minimum of $250 for the Red Sox Foundation. The top fundraisers won awesome awards including 2014 Red Sox season tickets, Green Monster seats, JetBlue Round Trip flight and more! The most someone raised was just shy of $2000. The event was cosponsored by Equinox, New Balance and Poland Springs.
I was weary to confirm my attendance, not sure of how I would feel after training, but I managed to stay the entire time. Had the sequence been tough, I would have probably sat in child’s pose half the time but it was pretty easy for me. I motivated myself to go because I told someone that I would be there. When it comes to fulfilling commitments, money and letting someone down are my biggest motivations for action. This is how the Mind Body cancellation policies get me to workout hungover on a regular basis.
I haven’t worked out on my own since we started training at Barry’s last Saturday and I haven’t wanted or felt the need to since I’ve been sore consistently each morning. I can’t wait for the studio to open so I can teach and have some more time for the blogging/YouTube thing that is my full time job.
I’m uploading a new video today at noon featuring a travel friendly workout with bands. It’s collaboration video with Sonia’s Travels, a travel YouTube channel that is a must subscribe for anyone like me that pretends they are a world traveller.