Today’s blog post is in partnership with my friends from Sweet Habit Ice Cream.
I’ve always been a girl with a sweet tooth. To be honest, I looked forward to getting pregnant again and being able to eat whatever I want. It’s funny though how with both pregnancies I never want anything sweet in my first trimester but then it always comes back with a vengeance during my second and third.
I don’t count calories but I like to be smart about what sort of sweet treats I am actually consuming during my pregnancy. Today I am sharing with you some of my tips for satisfying a sweet tooth, pregnant or not while maintaining your health goals.
#1. Fruit
This tips really only works when I’m pregnant or nursing but, I love fresh juicy fruit like Mango or Pineapple. It’s cheaper to obviously buy it whole so that’s just what I do! I’m always so thirsty during pregnancy so the water in the fruit is great in addition to providing essential vitamins and nutrients like vitamin C and antioxidants. The fiber helps fill you up so it’s always a better option than juice.
#2. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
I can’t do milk chocolate because i’ll binge, and I admittedly don’t love dark chocolate on it’s own, but add a little peanut butter and we are goooood! Have you tried the ones from Trader Joe’s? The combination of healthy fats with the sweetness satisfies my sweet tooth without being too much of a sugar bomb that spikes my blood sugar. Dark chocolate after all is an antioxidant powerhouse!
#3. Sweet Habit Low Fat Ice Cream
I like to enjoy a tasty ice cream without being too concerned with serving size or breaking the bank. I love Sweet Habit because it’s tastes so good, AND, the container is double the size of its competitors, but similar in pricing. Sweet Habit is a tasty low fat ice cream that has 70-80 calories and 5g of protein per 1/2 cup. Made with zero artificial sweeteners, it’s perfect for a sweet treat on a warm evening.
Their four delicious flavors are fun to eat, made with quality ingredients and available in quarts. My favorite flavor is What The Caramel because there are actual swirls of caramel you can see! Their other flavors include Mint My Cookies, PB & Fudge, and Cinnamon Bunned. It tastes great on its own, but for fun, add toppings!
#4. A Thick, Creamy Smoothie
A smoothie for me tastes almost like a thick milkshake but is usually jam packed with vitamins, nutrients and protein. Allegedly, Kate Middleton uses this trick to curb her sweet tooth as well!
One of my favorite combinations is almond milk, banana, pineapple, and spinach. It’s super easy and always satisfying. You don’t need to add expensive ingredients but of course the options are endless with chia seeds, collagen peptides and more!
#5. Single Serving Packages or Buy 1 Real Cookie at a Bakery
Tommy loves gummies and so do I! Luckily, having them in a single serve package, keep me from eating too many. I don’t diet, I just practice self control.
I can’t buy boxes of Girl Scouts cookies because I’d eat too many. Instead, I go to my favorite bakery and just get one delicious fresh cookie! It’s not low calorie by any means but I consume a lot less this way! Don’t be afraid to indulge in your sweet tooth. When you resist is when you start having the urge to binge! Don’t do this.
I’d love to know what you guys use to satisfy your sweet tooth by sharing in the comments below. If you are interested in more details about Sweet Habit, let me know below.
Special thank you again to Sweet Habit, which is now available in stores like Kroger, Safeway, and Target. Get more details here.