The NSale is still going on and if you have no idea what the NSale is, consider your wallet safe… until now. Nordstrom has an annual anniversary sale with new arrivals on sale for a limited time in summer.
At first it is only open to Nordstrom Card holders but now anyone can get in on the deals. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Mommy finds and a few fit ones too. These deals are pretty amazing if you are in the market or have any of these on a baby registry! Some are nearly 50% but you have to click on the item to see the discount. The alphabet zoo is 30% off and was one of Tommy’s favorite toys.
I’m tempted to buy the Thule jogging stroller for almost $110 off!!! I mentioned it in my Jogging Stoller post.
Note if viewing on an iPhone, you won’t be able to see the items so go on over to your good ol’ desktop to view.

I purposely left off most kids clothes because I don’t really believe in over paying for something that will not fit in a couple of months but I did buy Tommy a pair of $15 pants… I couldn’t resist 🙂