Stop Binge Eating in 2015!
Binge eating is such a touchy subject. No one wants to admit it or talk about it. It’s a taboo that most people prefer to avoid, unless you are Andie Mitchell – whose book It Was Me All Along: A Memoir is on fire right now. I met Andie in Hilton Head this year and […]
Giveaway: A Month of Snacks from Nourish Snacks
With Thanksgiving just a few days a way, that means it is officially the giving season. I will be hosting a bunch of giveaways over the next few weeks and the first one up is from Nourish Snacks. Working from home, portion control will always be a struggle. It’s just too easy to grab another […]
3 Healthy Habits You Aren’t Doing + Fitbit Giveaway
You eat kale once a week. You can tolerate green juice and workout some what regularly. By all means you live a healthy lifestyle but some days are harder than others. Here are 3 healthy habits you are not doing that could be sabotaging your efforts and playing games with your mind. #1. You know […]
What I Ate Wednesday & Where I Worked Out
Happy hump day, everyone! I decided to do another What I Ate Wednesday post and share where I have been working out since I’m testing out ClassPass in Boston this month. Breakfast this week has been a simple green juice that I make in my blender. I posted a similar recipe on Monday but today […]
What To Eat At The Movies
Going to the movies can cost you up to 1200 empty calories and 6 cheeseburgers worth of fat. Here are your best bets for a balanced diet. Some a healthy but most are just lesser evil options. Click the thumbnail below to watch the video, or keep reading… Ok, so the popcorn… let’s talk about […]
Eating Away From Home
While a healthy diet starts with eating meals made at home, sometimes it can be impractical. The tricky part is making it affordable and nutritious. Better Oats is sold at my local Shaws and is often on sale. They enlarged the packages recently and now 10 servings come in a case for around $3. I […]