Teacher Appreciation Week

It took having a child to realize how amazing teachers can be. It took a pandemic to see they’re actually extraordinary.

Teachers are going above and beyond to preserve a sense of normalcy and support for their students. They’ve been thrust into learning the latest education technology while trying to oblige student requests like dressing up for Zoom classes, dropping off supplies at homes for projects or simply dropping off groceries for families in need, all while taking care of their own children who are no longer in school and have their own online learning schedule. It’s teacher appreciation week and I just wanted to make sure if you’re a teacher reading this, I see you and I appreciate you. If you have children whose teachers are doing their best to ease the burden of distance learning, let them know how much you value their efforts, love and attention towards your children. Thank you to all the teachers out there killing it every day.

Tommy wearing a “Star of the Day” necklace his teachers sent him in the mail.

I selfishly thought about my own difficulty not having closure at Tommy’s preschool when it was closed for the year but I didn’t think about the teachers and their closure with their students. I never got to hug them and say goodbye but they also never got to say goodbye to Tommy or his classmate, many of whom will go on to other schools for Pre-K.

I’ve always shied away from talking about where Tommy goes to school for his safety but since we will not be back, I can openly share how much I love Spruce Street Nursery School. It brought me the community in Boston I never thought could exist living in a big city.

Tommy’s teachers have been amazing with the online learning transition. Spruce is using Seesaw and Zoom. Each week, his teachers send out a “suggested” schedule. If we do it, they are happy. If we don’t, it’s fine. There are lots of double working parents without childcare making busy preschooler schedules low priority and they get that. They also realize there are parents wondering HOW to occupy their children’s time with thoughtful and educational lessons similar to what they would be doing at school they are doing their best.

The schedule shares links to Cosmic Yoga classes that tie into the weeks lesson as well as activities and games that can be done without any supplies. Tommy’s teachers also mail out packets every two weeks with supplies needed for projects usually done at school. We also have music class twice a week but Tommy is much more into his teachers than music. Here is a sample of the morning.. the schedule goes until 1 with optional activities for the afternoon. Again, nothing is required but we try to do as much as we can!

I appreciate the job the school and Tommy’s teachers have done to lessen the burden on parents and kids during this transition.

If I get this emotional over saying good bye to teachers and preschool, I am nervous what my future holds…

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