A Consistent Exercise Schedule At Last!

Today, I took the most challenging class Equinox has to offer. Barre Fit Cardio with Eden Kessler is no joke. It’s not barre at all. It’s more of an “I’m going to kick me ass with 3 lb dumbbells and cry to the locker room” kinda class. I’m basically a regular but at 10:30 AM on a Friday, it can be challenging to get there. Some times I wonder what the rest of the students in the class do for a living, but then I realize they probably wonder the same thing about me. I’m sad I’ll miss it next week, but I’ll be in Vermont at the Yoga festival Wanderlust!

Last week, I shared my weight and my workout schedule with all of you. I’m down two lbs thanks to curbing between meal snacking and dessert. Here are the rest of my workouts from the week:

  • Monday: Booty Call 30 minute run, MetCon3 (60 Minutes) and Abs Blast (15 minutes)
  • Tuesday: Cardio Interval Workout 5 miles, 50 minutes. 1 minute fast, 3 minutes slow
  • Wednesday: Tone It Up DVD HIIT The Beach and Lower Body Blast
  • Thursday: Cardio Interval Workout 4 miles. 30 seconds fast, 90 seconds slow
  • Friday: Cardio Barre Burn (60 minutes)

On Thursday, I also shot some workout videos for Diet.com. On the way home I stopped at Whole Foods to grab a lemon, grapefruit and lunch via the salad bar. I also picked up these addicting things, Date pieces rolled in oat flour.

I’m kind of in a groove of things these days. Strength on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cardio on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Since I tend to indulge on the weekends, yes I add a 30 minute booty call to most Monday mornings. If I don’t, I tend to eat crappy and skip out on working out later in the day. With my sisters shower on Sunday, I definitely earned my booty call. I asked the bridesmaids to bring dessert and we ended up with the most amazing table full of deliciousness.

When you bring a baked good to a party or are asked to take some home, do you say “No, I can’t have that in the house,” or do you think “If it’s free, it’s for me!”?

None of the other ‘maids or the bride would bring home leftovers. So I of course made a plate of the Whole Foods desserts and brought them home. After having a few too many, they went in the freezer and they have been there since. We will see how long they last.


Funny HLB Story of the Week: You Know Your A Blogger When

Roomie saw a girl walking down Comm Ave last Friday morning eating something out of an old peanut butter jar. He thought she looked like someone who stole their breakfast from the trash can on the street and was horrified! LOL. I said, “Oh, she’s probably just a healthy living blog reader eating some overnight oats.”

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