Before I became a personal trainer, I relied on magazines like Women’s Health, Shape and Self for inspiration at the gym. I would always do the monthly workouts. In fact, that is how I lost my freshmen 15. This month, Jillian Michaels is on the cover featuring an ab workout. Now, I love Jillian and I love new ab moves so this was an exciting moment when I saw the cover. When I started reading, I thought some of the moves seemed great but the last one had me feeling like a beached whale. Check out the video to see my attempt her challenging move.
I uploaded this video yesterday and already it has over 100 people telling me I’m weak, it’s not that hard and it’s not ridiculous. Well people, I have a strong core and I could not do this move. I was also informed the moves are popular on p90X and BodyRockTV, both of which I do not watch regularly if at all, so don’t blame me for who should be taking credit.
Do you think magazines try too hard to be creative that they risk their readers’ safety? Do you think these moves are basic and easy like many YouTubers?