Reading Mean Comments on YouTube

I am not big on New Year’s resolutions, mainly because along with the rest of the country, I find it hard to stick to them. Instead, I set goals for myself. In 2015, I have set a few goals so far. The first one will hopefully be achieved by April 20th. The second I hope to hit by April 20th. The last one is to ignore the trolls on YouTube.

I already mentioned that I was running the Boston Marathon and my goal is to run it in less than 4 hours. I ran Chicago in 4:17 feeling under the weather so I’m hoping to shave off a whopping 17 minutes. It’s a stretch, I know.

In my newest video on YouTube, I read aloud a few negative comments my videos have recently received regarding my appearance. If you know me in real life, you know I do not take these things personal. These negative comments do not bother me at this point (usually). I make videos, I put myself out there, I choose to eat dessert and drink alcohol. I do however find it disturbing at how distorted people’s views are on what healthy looks like. I took these negative comments as an opportunity to share what realistic, attainable and maintainable goals can and should look like just time for your own resolutions. If you expect to look like a fitness magazine cover girl by March, you are surely going to fail as the models themselves have been helped with a little Photoshop and do not look like that in real life.

That being said, I have an exciting year planned thus far and want to look and feel my best. While I don’t think I need to lose weight, I’d like to lose 4% of my current body weight before a shoot that I have coming up which is about 5-6 pounds. These are vanity pounds and I want to lose them for myself – not because haters told me I should. To hold myself accountable, I’m telling all of you guys. If you are looking to shed a few pounds in January, I invite you to join my DietBet challenge.

DietBet Stats

Join my DietBet

This will be my 9th DietBet, but unlike the past few games, I will be playing with you guys and providing diet plans through my app that I plan to also follow. It starts next Tuesday, January 6th and is $35 to join. If you lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks, you split the pot with the rest of the winners. My games have a combines 53.84% success rate and over 28K pounds lost! Be a winner this time around and make some money while you lose.

To join, simply sign up here and wait for the weigh in instructions to be sent to you next week. If you have never joined a DietBet, leave your question below. Payouts are sent via PayPal after players have sent in their final weight.

For the record

I wanted to do a video to promote my 2015 DietBet. I thought reading the negative comments regarding my weight would be a funny way to do it. I am not “butt hurt” (to use the words of my favorite Laguna Beach alumni) over the troll feedback. I just think it’s comical how ridiculous anonymous people can be in online forums. This video was shot for entertainment and not to whine out loud. Kind of like, celebrities read mean tweets on Jimmy Kimmel but I actually defend myself because I am defensive and want to stand up for other fit ladies who don’t care to be a size 2!

As I admitted above, one of goals for 2015 is to not let the infrequent negatives comments gets to me. For as many positive ones I read, there is always one that hurts every so often. The ones that hurt usually hit on a personal insecurity. I know not everyone is going to like me, but being happy from the inside out is what matters most to me.

Cheers to 2015! What’s your resolution or goal?

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