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So, you’re down at the beach and your favorite gym is no where in sight. Sure, you could go for a run but after a while it gets boring. Here is a run and tone workout you can do no matter where you are. You do not need any equipment except a timer (I use a Gymboss or set up a workout in RunKeeper).
This workout is based on things we do at Barry’s Bootcamp but simplified and made accessible for all levels. First, of course you can do this at home and not just on vacation. Second, for the running circuit, use your favorite route, explore a new one or use a loop so you can do the strength moves at your home base. For the strength circuit, you’ll want to find a grassy area. If you are doing the moves at home base, just use a beach towel or mat on any hard surface you might be working with.
Start with the warm up and then move through each circuit one at a time. If you prefer to start with strength then start with Strength Circuit #1 followed by Running Circuit #1 and so on.
Run + Tone | Barry’s Bootcamp Style Outdoor Workout
Warm Up
Easy 5 minute jog
Running Circuit #1
- 1 minute Jog (5-6 on a scale 1-10 RPE, 10 being a sprint and 1 sitting on your couch)
- 1 minute Run Fast (7-8 RPE)
- 1 minute Sprint (9-10 RPE)
- 1 minute Recover, walk or slow jog (5 RPE)
- Repeat 3x for 12 minutes total
Strength Circuit #1
- 1 minute Plank (make it harder by lifting one leg for 30 seconds at a time)
- 1 minute Push Ups
- 1 minute Reverse Lunges w/ Split Jump
- Do 4 reverse lunges, 2 on each side, then do 4 total split jump lunges where you switch your front foot in mid-air.
- Repeat 3x for 9 minutes total
Running Circuit #2
- 1 minute Jog (5-6 RPE)
- 30 second Sprint (9-10 RPE)
- 1 minute Jog (5-6 RPE)
- 30 second Sprint (9-10 RPE)
- 1 minute Jog (5-6 RPE)
- 2 minute Run (7-8 RPE)
- Repeat 2x for 12 minutes total
Strength Circuit #2
- 45 seconds Side Plank Right Side
- 45 seconds Side Plank Left Side
- 1 minute Bird Dog
- In a plank position, lift right arm at the same time you extend your left leg, lower and then lift left arm at the same time you lift your right leg. Switch. If you are a beginner, you do this move on your knees. Just make sure your bicep grazes your ear and your leg is straight, extending long running parallel to the ground.
- 1 minute Bodyweight Squat with Jumps
- Do 4 body weight squats followed by 4 squat jumps
- Repeat 3x for a total of 10:30 minutes
Finish with a nice 5 minute total body stretch. Try to only rest 1-2 minutes in between circuits. This workout will take you about an hour to do with rest included.