New pregnancy workout featuring exercises that are safe to do in your third trimester. Of course this workout is safe to do if you are not pregnant or in an earlier trimester. However, unlike my previous prenatal workouts, this one is less cardio focused and lower impact.
Like my other pregnancy workouts, here is the breakdown:
Do the first 4 moves back to back for 2 consecutive sets. Take a short break and then two two consecutive sets of the next 4 moves. Take a short break and then if you have the energy and time, do one giant set of every exercise so you end up doing each move 3 times total!
This workout will take you about 30 minutes or at least it did for me 🙂
Circuit #1 (weight optional except for front raise, you can use filled water bottles/cans if you don’t have any!)
- Reverse Lunge 12-15 reps each leg
- Make it harder by adding a hop on the front leg
- Squat with Bicep Curl 12-15 reps
- Front Raise 15-20 reps (2-8 lb dumbbells)
- Side Lunge 12-15 reps each leg
Circuit #2
- Bird Dog 20 reps
- Side Plank 45 seconds each side
- Leg Lift 20 reps each leg
- Reverse Plank 45 seconds hold
As always if something doesn’t feel comfortable, stop! Talk to your doctor before you start a new workout routine.