Vega Protein Cashewmilk Yogurt Alternative Review

I am not a vegan but I like to eat a plant-based diet when I can. One brand that really changed my impression on this way of eating is Vega. For nearly 10 years, I’ve been preaching my love for their protein powders and nutritional shakes. They taste the best in my opinion, use quality ingredients and have an impressive nutrition label.

They came out with protein and meal replacement bars a few years back that are delicious and now they are expanding their offerings again. In the same week, I got an email inviting me to try the new Vega Protein Cashewmilk Yogurt Alternative and my mom came home unannounced with a couple of cups of it from a small health food store on the cape.

vega yogurt

Vega Protein Cashewmilk Yogurt Alternative is made with real, plant-based food ingredients. With 13 g of protein, it has the highest protein per serving of any plant based yogurt alternative on the market. It also has 7g of sugar. 

vega yogurt nutrition information

I am super sensitive to stevia and I could not taste it nor did I have any after-taste. If you are familiar with plant-based protein powders, you know sometimes they can taste chalky but this yogurt alternative is delicious without overpowering the other flavors. It’s not going to taste like traditional yogurt but the texture is identical with enough protein to rival Greek varieties.

For breakfast this morning, I made a giant yogurt parfait because breastfeeding makes me starving come 8 am. Starting your day with a hearty dose of protein has been shown to help you lose weight if you are looking to do so, which I sort of am right now. I’m excited for the baby weight to be gone but it is hard to diet while breastfeeding. Needless to say, I’d like to lose weight but cutting calories isn’t really something I’m looking to do. Instead, I like to focus on eating foods that are nutrient dense, which this is! 

vega yogurt bowl vegan

What I like about Vega too is that they also make the extra effort to pack in additional nutrition like prebiotics and probiotics as well as being a good course of magnesium, zinc and iron which is something my blood work always says I need more of in my diet.

vega yogurt

However, you do not have to be fancy! This yogurt alternative tastes good on its own. As a busy mom, I usually am eating most of my foods un-doctored, out of the cup. Come on, less clean up, right? With 13g of protein, it’s a perfect post workout snack. I also call this my second breakfast.

You can also use it in smoothies as well as in muesli aka overnight oats, one of my favorite breakfasts for more protein. It really is just a great food to incorporate into a well-balanced diet. IMG_3354

I may not be a vegan yet, but I find the more I learn about plant-based diets, the more I want to commit. My problem is that there are too many foods that I think I’ll struggle to give up. Now, one of the foods no longer is yogurt!

Vega Protein Cashewmilk Yogurt Alternative is available at local retailers such as Whole Foods or Sprouts. Check out the nearest store by you here.

This post is sponsored by Vega  but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

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