I’m Going To Kona!

I have a sudden change in my racing schedule to announce today. I’m not longer running the Nike Women’s half marathon in San Francisco.

However, I’m excited to announce that the reason is because I will be attending the Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii as an ambassador of Timex!

An Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run. This is the 34th year running and 1,800 athletes will compete.

I’m going to be sharing the Kona experience through my social media channels so you can feel like you are there tagging along. This is an incredible opportunity for me and I could not be more excited. I’ve never been to Hawaii and this is surely one of the coolest opportunities blogging has brought to me. I know the Nike half would have been an incredible experience but I can’t imagine a race that requires more will power, strength and dedication than an Ironman.

I’m excited to see what I come back wanting to attempt next!

I leave at 6:30 am next Monday and will not be back until Tuesday the 16th! A few people have asked if I’m competing, which made me chuckle. Watching a marathon always inspires me to start training, I’m curious if this will have the same effect…

If you have any Kona travel tips, let me know below!

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