Pregnancy Update: Week 40

When I first started my pregnancy updates, I thought my “change over” day was Sunday, since I was due January 3rd which happened to be a Sunday. After an early ultrasound, it appeared my new due date was January 6th. Not a huge deal until I went to my midwife appointment today and learned that I’m not two days away from my due date, I’m a day PAST my due date! The midwives were using my original LMP for the due date and the ultrasound ladies were using the ultrasound. Me = Confused. Whatever.

I didn’t think I would make it this long and apparently most of you did not either based on your guesses. I am ready and cannot wait to meet this little guy. I’m still feeling good but wanted to share an update as this will be my last!!!!!!!!!!

Baby Update

Baby is the size of a watermelon, between 7.5 – 9.5 lbs and 19-21 inches long according to averages. He is just packing on fat at this point and is ready to come out and play (or sleep, eat, and cry). He doesn’t appear to have dropped just yet but he is in position for birth with his little head down. I had yet another ultrasound and he is measuring in the 90th percentile for weight! They estimate his weight to be about 8 lbs 13 oz right now.

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Weight Gain

To date, I have gained 30 lbs. I’ve been gaining a pound a week during my third trimester which is consistent according to both my and the hospital scales. The scale at my doctor’s office always adds 2 lbs for a variety of reasons from winter clothing to post lunch weigh ins. However last week, it looked like I gained 5 lbs in 7 days when I weighed in with my midwife! I decided to stop checking the scale at home because I was getting a little stressed about the sudden spike in weight gain but today, I apparently lost 5 lbs since last week which assured me that last week was a fluke and a combination of water retention and good Christmas dinner.

Pregnancy Eats

Since my last update, I’ve eaten my way through Christmas and New Years. I also didn’t take hardly ANY food photos except this amazing gingerbread house which I didn’t even eat.

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I know you are disappointed in my unflattering food pics… insert sarcastic emoji. I enjoyed honey baked ham, cheese potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and grasshopper pie at Christmas as well as my fair share of shrimp cocktail!

During the week it felt like school vacation with Nick off from work. We made quesadillas, enchiladas, chili for Sunday football, ordered pizza, cleansed with Sweetgreen and then more Sweetgreen. For New Year’s Eve dinner, we ate out at a nice Italian restaurant called Toscano where we started with a caprese salad and grilled calamari. I swear it was the healthiest Italian restaurant menu I’ve ever seen. I’m excited to go back not pregnant. I had a seafood pasta dish with spicy red sauce and canoli for dessert.  We also managed to visit Myers and Chang two more times. That place is so good!


Ever since I stopped the single leg exercises in Pilates my hips have felt light years better. The single leg lunges were brutal and left me unable to walk almost. I’ve really taken  my workouts down a notch but it doesn’t look so below. My heart rate stays below 150 when I’m on the elliptical or treadmill and I don’t lift real heavy when strength training. My walks are more like strolls than brisk paces. The spin classes at Recycle were the hardest workouts I’ve done recently but I loved them.

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Love wall sits and using the exercise ball for squats!

  • Christmas Eve – 45-min Spin Class at Recycle Studio
  • Christmas – 3 mile walk
  • Saturday – 20 minutes Elliptical, 20 minutes strength training
  • Sunday – Rest
  • Monday – Rest/Walk to Midwife Appointment (about 3 miles total)
  • Tuesday – 20 minute Strength Training Prenatal Workout DVD at Home with Sara Haley
  • Wednesday – 1 hour Yoga at Back Bay Yoga
  • New Year’s Eve – 1 hour spin class at Recycle Studio
  • New Year’s Day – Rest
  • Saturday – 20 minutes on elliptical, 20 minute strength training, 1 hour gentle prenatal yoga class
  • Sunday – 30 minutes of walking on treadmill/elliptical
  • Monday – Rest/Walking to Midwife Appointment


Heart burn has gone down a lot which is good however my sleep is more of a challenge these days. I need to pee every hour it seems like and find it hard to get comfortable. I’m still sleeping but for instance last night, I woke up probably 4 times to pee between 11pm and 5am and then was up from 5am to 6:30am because the baby was moving around like he was trying out for fight club.

I also have not noticed any swelling. My midwife told me I was lucky that I could still wear my favorite Rockport Tristina Rosette Tall boots! I wore these to my 39 week appointment when the scale said I gained said 5 lbs. They were comfortable enough to wear for the 3 mile walk.

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My lower back has not been sore much, which is great. My body overall is without aches and pains but putting on shoes, socks, pants, tights or bending over are very challenging and awkward. They require balance, sitting on my butt, getting up from said butt, and are just hard to do! I would kill for a good deep tissue massage right now but know from experience they won’t go too deep in a prenatal so I’m saving my money.

I have no urge to nest although the new house is clean and we are ready for the baby. There isn’t much to do still, if anything before he arrives.

My dad reads my blog, as do Nick’s friends on occasion so I’m not going to go into details on some of the other symptoms that are not lady like to talk about but they aren’t nearly as bad or gross as other crazies on the internet make them out to be.

I’ve been given this miracle pass of having an easy pregnancy. I know the next time, I will not be as lucky but for now, I’m counting my blessings. I’d love to tell you that exercise helped but I honestly don’t know as I have nothing to compare it to.


He doesn’t stop moving still. The books said they slow down as they get bigger and lose room in the womb but my midwife said she likes the baby to maintain his movement up until birth. Glad we have that going for us, unfortunately, the most activity I feel is in the middle of the night or when I try to do work.

We went to Star Wars this weekend and the baby would not stop squirming around. It was a very uncomfortable experience. I didn’t realize I bought tickets for a 3D showing. I hated wearing the glasses. Move was good though!

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Every one keeps asking me, “Are you done being pregnant?”

Saying yes would imply I’m very uncomfortable and the real answer is no. I am however ready to meet him. I hate waiting and I hate surprises. If we didn’t know the sex, I would be an anxious bitch. I could never be on team green.

I feel ready. I got a mom haircut at Shag and now feel the part. Steph did my highlights and Kara gave me the killer cut.

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I feel prepared. I also feel regretful that during this whole pregnancy I’ve been asking LittleFit to wait until after the New Year and now he’s late and in no rush to arrive. I’m trying to tap into the power of intention and try to tell my body it’s time for the baby to come out. Until then, I’ll be bouncing on my ball!

We did schedule an induction date but I’m hoping to go before then. I really don’t want to be induced but I also do not want to let this baby get to be 10 lbs. I know the measurements can be off but I just don’t know how off they can be when every ultrasound has been consistent.

What is your best tip for inducing labor?

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