In less than one week, I am officially moving out of my current apartment. I’m filled with mixed emotions. Roomie and I have lived here for 2 years and 3 months. It has many memories and along with my previous relocations, brings a close to another chapter in my life. Thinking about going through all the junk I’ve collected just gives me anxiety. I started on Sunday and barely made a dent.
As a blogger, I’ve collected a variety of fitness DVD’s, supplements, lotions, magazines, equipment, clothing thanks to many generous companies. While I try to either use or giveaway most products, there are some that slip through the cracks and have become ultimate clutter. On Sunday, I had a salad (without protein) right before I began organizing. We are trying to clean out the refrigerator and I used all that I had on hand. After only an hour in my “office”, I needed a break. Short attention span or insufficient fuel, I should have had something more energizing.
It was my first taste of what it really takes to pull off a productive and efficient move. Packing zaps my energy and it is one of my top 3 moments of need. The right diet on a day like this is so important for me because otherwise, I will break down in tears unable to grasp the possibility of completion. Since I have an empty fridge, things that don’t need to be kept cold are key to have on hand. I rely on bars like Premier Protein for sustainable energy I can count on to help power through the clutter. You can find Premier Protein at Costco, Sam’s Club and Walmart.
When it comes to moments of need, the right snack can make all the difference. Last year, when I ran all 3 Urbanathlons, as soon as we finished we were handed protein shakes to help aid in our recovery. After a 90-minute race, foregoing proper nutrition is setting yourself up for achy muscles and reduced benefits from the muscle atrophy your body wants to reward you with. I was in dire need of replenishing my energy stores after burning close to 1500 calories during the stair climbing, marine hurdle jumping 11-mile course.
The last of the top 3 moments of need for me has been evening workouts or races that begin late. Tomorrow, I’m excited to take part in my favorite 5K of the summer, the Camp Harborview Island 5K. It takes place out on Long Island in the Boston Harbor. Not only do you get a cruise to the race, but it also includes dinner from B.Good, beer from Sam Adams and a concert from one of New York City’s best 80’s cover bands, Rubix Kube. The race doesn’t start until 7 pm so for those going straight from work, a little edible or liquid energy is required! Last year, I had a few bites of a protein bar and cup of coffee to power through the 3.2 miles. The coffee had me shaking with nerves. I have since avoided caffeine before any race since it gives me race anxiety and now purely rely on food.
From moving to racing, I rely on food to fuel my top energy moments of need.
When do you need an extra energy boost?
As you know, I am hosting a contest through the end of August called “Energy for Every Day.” If you haven’t tried adding protein to your life, now is your chance. Winners will receive a gift pack worth $250 from Premier Protein, including a $200 cash prize to keep you active and on the go. Think of that running or camping gear you’ve needed, plus more fun swag!
Three more winners will be chosen in August and four will be chosen in September.
To enter, you’ll need to leave a comment on the video below and share that moment when your energy crashes and you need an extra boost. Answer the following question in the comments section of the video, “I need protein most when… ______________” and be sure to check out PremierProtein on Facebook.
You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel in the mean time to make sure you don’t forget and miss my videos when they go live!
This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Premier Protein. All thoughts and opinions are my own.