It’s funny how when you get pregnant, there are some things you never forget to do, like taking a vitamin every morning, yet you forget other things that used to cause severe anxiety like moving your car for street cleaning.
I’ve been pretty religious about tracking my weight since the second trimester. I haven’t weighed myself on a regular basis in a very long time yet it’s one of my favorite things to do now in the morning. I currently weigh the most I’ve ever weighed at 155 lbs. This is an odd feeling. I’m not embarrassed but actually quite proud. I should note, I’m 5’4.
I feel like there is some sort of pregnancy pride these days to gain as little weight as possible or to look “tiny” well into the third trimester thanks to a few notable Instragrams. Or maybe I just put pressure on myself because I named this blog – Sarah FIT.
I thought the weight gain aspect might be hard to embrace during pregnancy – and it is when you try on clothes and you just feel like you look fat vs pregnant – but I love how relaxed and kind I’ve been to myself. I eat clean and healthy 80% of the time but I enjoy my treats without restriction. If I want that cookie, I’ll have it. My weight gain is right on track and I’m happy that I’ve been able to provide the extra lovin’ to my little guy.
Also, there are more risks to your baby associated with too little weight gain as opposed to too much weight gain. I’ve got another 10-15 lbs (and 14 weeks) to healthfully go and if I gain more, I’m not worried about it.
I’ve been using different apps to track my weight, my meals and fitness during pregnancy. Mostly I use Ovia for the pregnancy stuff and Wellcoin for the food and fitness.
It’s fun to keep track of the fitness and food without having to log any calorie info or worry about “going over your sugar” limit. <- Although this may change after my glucose screening next Friday.
Ovia assures me that I’m on track with my weight gain and I earn rewards through Wellcoin to use at some of my favorite places, like Whole Foods or Thirst Juice Co. While I often forget to take pictures of my food or workouts, knowing I’m earning Wellcoins helps me remember to do it!
With my pregnancy, I’m not focusing on calories burned during workouts or consumed during the day. I eat until I’m full which sometimes means large lunches and small dinners.
I’ve never been more in tune with my hunger levels. By taking pictures of my meals using Wellcoin, I don’t have to worry about photo exposure or how appetizing my salad looks because it never does but it challenges me to stay accountable with myself.
Also, I like logging my workouts because I always like to look back at my training plans for races for future reference.
This month, Wellcoin has a bunch of awesome rewards you can earn by logging your healthy activities. Once you earn enough Wellcoins which are used as currency in the Wellcoin Marketplace, you can snag your free reward. Here are just a few currently available in Boston:
- Complementary Custom Salad from Angora Cafe -> BU Students should be all over this one
- 5 Free Yoga classes at Prana Power Yoga
- Free Puma IGNITE PWRcool Women’s Running Shoe
- 2 Free Pure Barre Classes at the Newton, Wellesley or Brookline locations
- $10 Sports Authority Gift Card
- Free Apple Ginger Lemon Tumeric Shot at Thirst Juice, Co
- $10 off at Whole Foods in Brookline, Charlestown, Cambridge, Newton, Somerville and more
You just need 2000 Wellcoins to earn the $10 Whole Foods gift certificate and since I am one of Wellcoin’s ambassadors, I’m giving you 500 Wellcoins to get started. Just use code SARAHFIT500 when you sign up. Download the app here or visit to join me in earning rewards for our healthy behaviors. You can follow me here on Wellcoin.
Trying to keep track of everything, laundry, vitamins, grocery shopping, etc is becoming exhausting. I need motivation and constant reminders. Pregnancy brain may not be an official diagnosis but I sure am lacking in the memory department lately. Why don’t you make yourself a healthy snack to bring to work this week? Here is a new recipe video from my YouTube channel featuring a raw, vegan, gluten free energy ball made with dates, cacao, coconut, and almonds!
What about you? Did you track your weight gain during pregnancy and did it bother you? Do you feel the increased pressure to keep thin throughout the 9 months?