Third Trimester Prenatal Workout #2 | No Equipment Pregnancy Workout

Ahhh it’s here. My final pregnancy workout video for you guys. Since I like to workout on my own, these videos show you the moves and give you the basic format. I do not do the workout with you because I’m doing them in my gym with my favorite music that gets me pumped up.

Here are my prenatal workouts that I’ve posted so far this time around:

Here are my prenatal workouts from when I was pregnant with Tommy and more active and did planks until the end!

A few people requested I do them with you in real time and that is something I’m thinking about doing. The only small problem is that I’m super pregnant and get out of breath just talking let alone working out while talking. I don’t know how much fun I would be to exercise with huffing and puffing and grunting. I could have/should have filmed every workout in the second trimester where I look pregnant but felt great! Now however, that ship has sailed and I’m feeling less than in shape.

I’m actually working out a lot less these days. I just don’t feel great after I finish. I love working out but when it makes me uncomfortable and exhausted, I kind of regret it. There is a saying that you’ll never regret a good workout or something like that, but I totally do the next day when I’m 9 months pregnant. I’ve ditched the spinning for walking at 36 weeks. I’m still doing moderate strength training like this workout but only a couple of times a week.Prenatal Workout No Equipment

So this workout is great to do pregnant or not. The reason why I label it a 3rd trimester workout is because there are zero planks or plyometrics. We also never lie down on our backs which can cause dizziness and light headedness as well as shortage of breath! I didn’t experience this much with Tommy but I can barely lie on my back this time around without needing to roll onto my side asap. I share this because it’s important to listen to your body!

If something feels off, stop doing it. Every body and every pregnancy is different. What felt good for number 1 might not feel good for number 2 so switch things up.

Like all my prenatal workouts, this one consists of 8 moves. Do two sets of the first 4 moves without resting in between moves. Take a 1-2 minute break before moving on to the next 4 moves. Again, do 2 sets of the next 4 moves without resting in between moves or sets. Take another 1-2 minute break and then do 1 more giant set of all 8 moves if you have time and energy!

Set #1

  • 24 reps Speedy Single Leg Lunge (12 on each side)
  • 24 reps “Woodchop” Side Lunge (12 on each side) ** do not twist at midsection but from hips with entire torso **
  • 24 reps Bird Dog with Side Reach
  • 200 Arms Cirlces (100 forward, 100 backward)

Set #2

  • 24 reps Squat with Front Kick
  • 10 TVA Core & Belly Breathing Exercise
  • 24 Lat Pull Downs
  • 12 Tricep Dips


While this is my final prenatal workout pregnant, I’m excited to shoot workouts to get back into shape post baby. Here are a few workouts that I filmed after Tommy arrived:

Questions, comments, concerns, let me know in the comments as always 🙂

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